Téma: KN filtr
21.4.2010 v 21:04
Zdar borci. Včera jsme s kámošem navodili téma na KN filtr. Jde o to, že jsme se neshodli po jakém Km nájezdu vyprat a napustit KáeNko. Nakonec jsme obvolali několik známých servisáků a světe div se, odpovědi se celkem dost rozcházely. Takže majitelé KNfiltrů - jaký je váš interval?

2 reakcí na tento příspěvek KN filtr

21.4.2010 v 21:20 | Nahoru | #1
4. How often do I need to clean my K&N air filter?

If you have not experienced a decrease in mileage or engine performance, chances are your filter is fine and does not yet need cleaning. To be more specific, the filter does not require cleaning if you can still see the wire screen on the entire air filter regardless of how dirty it may appear. When the screen is no longer visible some place on the filter, it is time to clean it. When used in normal paved road, street or highway conditions, our replacement air filters that fit in the factory air box should require cleaning every 50,000 miles and our large conical filters on an intake system should require cleaning every 100,000 miles. When used in dusty or off-road environments, our filters will require cleaning more often. We recommend that you visually inspect your filter once every 25,000 miles to determine if the screen is still visible.

STRUCNY PREKLAD: Dokud je vydet kovova mrizka filtru tak je to porad ok. SILNICE cistit kazdych 50.000 mil KONICKE FILTRY 100.000 mil. PRASNE cesty a offroady kontrola kazdych 25.000 mil.

Takze je to prakticky da se rict bezudrzbovy filtr a ja vul to delam tak poctive. Takze na to prdim a diky tomuto vlaknu sem na to prisel. Dik

Jinak je to ztazeny text primo z K&N stranky zde

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) KN filtr

21.4.2010 v 21:35 | Nahoru | #2
MartasUS> trošku mě to zaráží Já myslel co 6000 km. Tak tedy budu čistit jednou za sezonu nebo jak bude dole nádrž

(reakce na) KN filtr

22.4.2010 v 09:27 | Nahoru | #3

MartasUS>4. How often do I need to clean my K&N air filter?

If you have not experienced a decrease in mileage or engine performance, chances are your filter is fine and does not yet need cleaning. To be more specific, the filter does not require cleaning if you can still see the wire screen on the entire air filter regardless of how dirty it may appear. When the screen is no longer visible some place on the filter, it is time to clean it. When used in normal paved road, street or highway conditions, our replacement air filters that fit in the factory air box should require cleaning every 50,000 miles and our large conical filters on an intake system should require cleaning every 100,000 miles. When used in dusty or off-road environments, our filters will require cleaning more often. We recommend that you visually inspect your filter once every 25,000 miles to determine if the screen is still visible.

STRUCNY PREKLAD: Dokud je vydet kovova mrizka filtru tak je to porad ok. SILNICE cistit kazdych 50.000 mil KONICKE FILTRY 100.000 mil. PRASNE cesty a offroady kontrola kazdych 25.000 mil.

Takze je to prakticky da se rict bezudrzbovy filtr a ja vul to delam tak poctive. Takze na to prdim a diky tomuto vlaknu sem na to prisel. Dik

Jinak je to ztazeny text primo z K&N stranky zde

tohle je znama vec ze se na strankach KN doctes ze je skoro bezudrzbovej, ale v praxi bejva dost spinavej a cca jednou dvakrat za sezonu se kontoluje/cisti (vetsinou je to potreba) rozdil bejva docela velkej ucpanej/vycistenej...
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