Yamaha FJR 1300 (2008)

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Vlastník romanFJR
Vloženo 1.4.2008
Aktualizováno 3.4.2008
Zobrazeno 9 258x
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Popis motorky

Po mých letech s FJR1300(2002) je to změna o x-generací na FJR1300(2008). Je vidět, že pokrok se nezastavil a tato špičková motorka již v době svého uvedení na trh (2001) byla ještě vylepšena do současné podoby.


Jako dlouholetý majitel FJR1300, model 2002 jsem zatoužil po změně. Maximální spokojenost s předchozím modelem předurčila i nákup nového modelu 2008 ve verzi RP13. Bedlivě jsem sledoval modifikační změny minulých let, které jsou asi již dostatečně známy. Proto zde uvedu pouze změny mezi modely 2007 / 2008:

1. Nové – třírežimové ABS. Oproti dvourežimovému ABS by měl být hladký průběh regulace tlaku, lepší pocit z brždění pod ABS. Systém je také menší a lehčí.

2. Nové snímače polohy na kolech – aktivné s magnetickým rotorem, nižší neodpružená hmotnost.

3. Nové převodování plynové kladky – pro lineárnějí výkonovou regulaci.

4. Nové plexi – údajně odolné proti poškrábání, nová aerodynamika, hranové prolomení pro snížení chvění.

5. Nový (udajné příjemnější) tvar rukojetí (gripů).

6. Černý design přístrojů – prý se ten předcházející stříbrný moc leskl.

7. Revidovaná převodovka.

8. Nový software v ECU.

9. Nové barvy – já si vybral stříbrnou silver tech

press release

2008 Minor and Colour Changed Models

In addition to the new motorcycle models being introduced by Yamaha for 2008, the FJR1300A

and FJR1300AS feature a number of significant technical changes. And, the FZ-Series gets a

new addition to the family, the FZ1 ABS. Details are described below.

Furthermore, many of the current models feature new colour schemes. Please find them listed

below. New colours are shown in bold/Italic.

Sport Touring


The FJR1300A and the FJR1300AS are regarded as being two of the most refined, capable and

dynamic models in the sport touring class. For 2008 these sophisticated models feature a range

of improvements to the engine, chassis and braking systems which enhance their legendary

continent-crossing potential, making them the leading choice with serious long-distance riders.

New 3-mode ABS system with linear solenoid valve

In a move which is designed to reduce overall weight and also enhance the feel at the brake

lever and pedal, both the FJR1300A and AS models are equipped with a new ABS system for


The most significant change is that the new system is a 3-mode ABS, compared to the 2-mode

design used on the ’07 models. Whereas the 2-mode system is designed to operate in either a

pressurised or depressurised mode, the new 3-mode system operates in a pressurised, or

pressure holding, or depressurised mode. Or, in simple terms, the ’07 2-mode ABS design

operated with the brake fluid pressure being either ‘on’ or ‘off’, while the new 3-mode system

has pressure ‘on’ and ‘off’ modes, together an additional ‘pressure holding’ state.

The compact new hydraulic unit in the latest 3-mode system is also controlled by an ECU, and

is equipped with a solenoid valve system in place of the ’07 model’s Flow Control valve (FCV)

system. The advantages of the new 3-mode ABS are smooth and linear fluid pressure control,

and it delivers improved feel at the brake lever and brake pedal while the ABS is activated, and

the whole system is smaller and lighter than the previous design.

Reduced unsprung weight

Unsprung weight is reduced by the use of new active wheel sensors featuring a magnetic rotor,

compared to the ’07 system which utilised passive sensors with sintered steel rotors. To match

these changes to the new ABS sensors and rotors, the front and rear wheel hub design is

modified accordingly.

New throttle pulley

For improved driveability and a more accurate and intuitive feel, the 2008 FJR1300A/AS are

equipped with a new-shape throttle pulley. Whereas the previous pulley was of a counterprogressive

design, the new pulley is a conventional circular type which delivers a linear

relationship between throttle input and butterfly valve operation.

Scratch-resistant screen coating and modified mounts

The adjustable screen on both models features a hard new coating which helps to keep the

screen in good condition for optimal visibility – and for reduced vibration and to minimise weight,

a newly-designed integrated screen mounting system is used for 2008.

New handlebar grips

For better feel and improved comfort, both models are equipped with new handlebar grips that

are manufactured from a different rubber compound.

Black instrument panel

The 2008 FJR models both feature a new black-coloured instrument panel cover.

FJR1300AS-specific changes:

Reshaped left-side handlebar switch

For a better feel and improved operability, the left-side handlebar switch on the FJR1300AS has

been redesigned, and features a modified hand shift lever for up-shifting, as well as a reshaped

passing light switch.

Lighter YCC-S assembly

In addition to the significant weight savings made by the new 3-mode ABS system and the

lightweight wheel sensor rotors, the FJR1300AS also benefits from a new control unit on the

YCC-S chip-controlled shift system

Available colours for both FJR1300A and FJR1300AS:


Silver Tech

Midnight Black

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LukšaRR napsal 03.12.18 v 16:08 9b.

Ta fotka z toho kartonu

Mraki napsal 05.02.13 v 12:23 10b.

Takhle si to vybalit z krabice,... asi sen každýho motorkáře,... Nádhera

kRRuťák napsal 05.05.10 v 19:55

Čau strécu ! Tož pěkné profil máš, dávám za 10 bodů!

Simír_01 napsal 26.03.09 v 19:13

Tak to je mazec... kolik jsi najel na tom modrém? Jinak nové FJR je fakt lepší. to nové se mi takzy moc líbí

Oilman napsal 25.01.09 v 14:13

Jak vidim i v Jevicku jsou paradni stroje.Hodne bezpecnych kilometru.Za 10.

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